So you have successfully potty-trained your dog for a while now, and are confident that they have already mastered when and where to poop or pee. But suddenly, they start to have accidents and you may be thinking - Have they forgotten their potty training? What could be causing these accidents all of a sudden?

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  1. Why Is My Potty-Trained Dog Suddenly Peeing in the House
  2. Why Is My Dog Suddenly Pooping in the House
  3. Dog Suddenly Having Accidents at Night
  4. FAQs
  5. Conclusion

Why Is My Potty-Trained Dog Suddenly Peeing in the House

Accidents more commonly occur in puppies and older dogs in particular, who may not be able to control their bladder for long periods. But apart from age, there are other possible reasons too. “Why is my dog suddenly peeing in the house?” you might be wondering. The causes may include the following:

Environmental Changes

Dogs can react strongly to changes like moving to a new house or introducing new pets. If your dog is suddenly peeing in the house, it might be because of the stress brought about by these changes. Consulting a behavioral specialist and showing extra love may help. Remember, your dog isn't doing it intentionally, so patience and positive reinforcement are important.

Change in Routine

Because dogs thrive on routine, changes to their schedule may lead to a dog suddenly having accidents. Transition gradually to help your dog adjust to any new routine.

Health Issues

  • Hormone incontinence
    A lack of estrogen in spayed, middle-aged, and older female dogs may cause incontinence.

  • Urinary tract infections
    UTIs are a common cause of accidents in dogs of all ages. If accidents in the house suddenly become frequent, have your dog checked to rule out UTI and be able to treat them if they do have an infection?

  • Age-related diseases
    According to Natalie Marks, DVM, internationally renowned veterinarian, and vet educator, among the most common reasons why vets see older dogs is because of these dogs suddenly peeing indoors. Conditions that may affect senior and geriatric dogs, which may cause frequent peeing include kidney disease, and cognitive dysfunction, among many other possible health issues.

  • Other health issues
    Diabetes and other diseases that cause frequent drinking may cause frequent peeing as well. Other health issues that can cause incontinence and accidents include infections, bladder issues, tumors, and spinal cord injuries, among others.

Stress, Anxiety, or Excitement

When dogs get very excited, anxious, stressed, or fearful, they may excrete small amounts of urine, also known as submissive urination. A common example is when a dog gets overly excited when greeted by their favorite human that they pee a little.

To make sure that we detect any symptoms that our dog may exhibit, a good pet camera such as the Petcube Cam comes in handy. With the pet camera’s innovative features for pet monitoring, you can keep a close watch on your dog 24/7.

Why Is My Dog Suddenly Pooping in the House

Aside from peeing accidents, there are also various causes why dogs may suddenly have poop-y accidents inside the house. Among the possible reasons are:

Side Effects of Certain Medications

Some medications can trigger accidents. If you suspect this, you may speak with your vet regarding alternative medications that won’t cause such side effects.

Internal Parasites

Inflammation in your dog's digestive tract can lead to poop-y accidents. Worms are common culprits, especially if your dog spends a lot of time outside. If you suspect worms or other parasites, consult your vet for parasite control and prevention advice.

Food Allergies

Food intolerance and allergies may upset a dog’s stomach, leading to accidents. Common triggers include chicken, lamb, beef, wheat, and dairy.

Senior dogs may forget their potty training due to illnesses like canine dementia or arthritis. Symptoms include accidents, pacing, anxiety, and restlessness.

Diet Change

Abrupt diet changes may lead to stomach upset and house training issues due to bacterial imbalance. It is therefore important to slowly transition your dog to the new diet so as not to cause digestive issues.

Dog Suddenly Having Accidents at Night

Nighttime peeing in dogs can stem from incomplete potty training supervision, territorial marking, small bladder size in younger pups affected by late-night eating or drinking, or incontinence in senior dogs, among others.

On the other hand, when your dog suddenly starts pooping indoors at night, you may ask yourself: Why is my dog suddenly pooping in the house at night? Among the possible causes are: health issues, anxiety, schedule changes, insufficient outdoor access, etc.

In a particular discussion on Reddit, for example, the dog owner was seeking advice as to why his dog was suddenly pooping inside the house at night. The owner explained that they just moved to a house with a yard, where there was a change in environment and routine. Some suggestions included re-training the dog, going on night walks, and consulting with a vet to rule out possible health issues.

To determine what may be causing your dog to have accidents at night, the Petcube Cam may help through 24/7 monitoring. One of its features is that it auto switches to clear night vision during the night, which allows you to see how your dog is behaving after hours and what may be causing it.


Why is my male dog suddenly marking in the house?

It may be a way of marking their territory when another dog invades their space. This behavior is more common in intact males. Other causes mentioned above may also be possible.

Why is my dog suddenly peeing on my bed?

Peeing on the bed is more common in puppies and older dogs. With the latter, it may indicate medical issues. For dogs over a year old, it may signal anxiety or fear if they were previously house-trained.


Even the best-trained dogs can sometimes forget their manners indoors. Medical issues like UTI and allergies, behavioral issues such as anxiety and fear, along with changes in routine or diet, can all play a role. More commonly, age may be a factor. Patience and positive reinforcement may help get your furry friend back on track! Consulting with your vet is recommended to determine the cause and options to address it.

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