If you’ve ever caught your canine companion in the act of eating poop, one question may come to mind — “Why??”. Among the quirky dog behaviors that our furry friends may exhibit, eating poop has got to be the most uncanny.

While our dog's poop-eating behavior may leave us worried and disgusted, there is no need to panic. There are several ways on how to stop a dog from eating poop. But first, why do they do it in the first place?

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  1. Why Do Dogs Eat Poop
  2. How to Stop Dog From Eating Own Poop
  3. How to Stop Dog From Eating Cat Poop
  4. How to Stop Dog From Eating Rabbit Poop
  5. Conclusion

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop

With a scientific name of Coprophagia, the act of eating poop is a phenomenon that is rather common in dogs and is mainly caused by behavioral and physiological factors.

In a study led by Dr. Benjamin Hart from the University of California, and presented at the annual conference of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, they’ve observed that 16% of the dogs are “serious” poop eaters (having been caught eating poop 5 times), while 24% ate poop at least once.

“Our conclusion is that eating of fresh stools is a reflection of an innate predisposition of ancestral canids living in nature that protects pack members from intestinal parasites present in feces that could occasionally be dropped in the den/rest area.”, Hart shared.

Steven R. Lindsay, animal behaviorist and author of the book “Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training” also shares that coprophagia may have evolved from how dogs used to cope with starvation during times of adversity.

There are several possible reasons why dogs eat poop. Some are normal, while others may point to an underlying issue. If your dog is eating poop, it is essential to address the situation depending on the cause of their behavior to prevent them from doing the act.

How to Stop Dog From Eating Own Poop

For puppies or dogs that eat poop, managing their environment and using positive reinforcement are key. When housetraining, take them out regularly and reward them after they go, promptly cleaning up to prevent access.

Dogs with anxiety may need adjustments like more space or enrichment toys, and seeking professional help can be beneficial.

For adults with learned poop-eating habits, avoid punishment and redirect with treats or toys after they defecate. Use tools like leashes and clickers for training, and keep poop-free areas by cleaning up immediately. To deter poop eating, try high-value treats or probiotics.

On a Reddit thread, one member posted about her rescue dog who won’t stop eating her own poop. A commenter replied that it was likely a force of habit since the dog was previously caged and may not have been given access to much food. Other commenters’ suggestions include: taking the dog on regular walks and cleaning up the poop as soon as the owner sees it, among others.

Consistent management and positive reinforcement are crucial in breaking this habit and promoting healthier behaviors.

The Petcube Cam comes in handy as you put systems in place to prevent your dog from eating their poop. With innovative features such as the 1080p HD video, 110°, 8x zoom, and clear night vision, the Petcube Cam allows you to monitor your dog’s behavior 24/7, and address the issue early on.

How to Stop Dog From Eating Cat Poop

While it's common, there are several health risks (eg. contracting parasites or diseases) when dogs eat cat poop from the litter box.

How to stop dog from eating cat poop: home remedies

  • Install a fence or door that is accessible for your cat/s but prevents your dog from entering the area where the litter box is.
  • Relocate the litter box on a raised surface like a table or an area where your cat can reach but your dog cannot.
  • Consider using a coprophagic supplement that changes the taste of the poop, since dogs may find poop appealing.

The Petcube GPS Tracker may also help in terms of how to stop your dog from eating cat poop. How so? Well, apart from its purpose of tracking your dog’s whereabouts, there are other features like virtual fences, allowing you to set safe zones and no-go zones and set boundaries on your pet’s exploration. Setting the litter box as a no-go zone may keep them from going near and eating your cat’s poop.

How to Stop Dog From Eating Rabbit Poop

The poop of other animals such as rabbits may be quite appealing for dogs. While it may have nutritional benefits, the possible risks outweigh these benefits, so it’s best to prevent them from eating poop.

Here are some useful strategies to prevent your dog from snacking on rabbit poop:

  • Limit Access: Keep rabbit droppings out of reach by leashing your dog during walks, fencing off areas, and regularly cleaning up.
  • Teach Commands: Train your dog to "leave it" using positive reinforcement like praise, treats, or toys. A deterrent spray can also discourage this habit.
  • Ensure Nutrition: Feed your dog a balanced diet to meet nutritional needs, reducing the urge to eat feces. Consult your vet for dietary advice.
  • Increase Stimulation: Combat boredom with more exercise, play, and mental challenges to keep your pup content and less interested in rabbit droppings.


It’s best to consult with your veterinarian if you catch your dog eating poop, whether theirs or another animal’s. Understanding why your dog engages in this behavior is important to find the right solutions and steps to help them break the habit effectively.

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