Did you know there are actually 19 different types of hamsters in the world? These adorable little rodents are all part of a subfamily called Cricetinae and not all of them are kept as pets. Like rabbits, they’re actually crepuscular, which means they’re most active at dawn and dusk, not really nocturnal like many think. If you love hamsters and want to know which breed is the right one for you, then let’s look at some of the best hamster types you can find.

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  7. Conclusion

Syrian Hamster

In one study, Dr. Kirsti Crouch states, "There are many breeds of hamsters, including Chinese, Teddy, and Russian, but the most common is the Syrian or Golden hamster".

The major bonus about the golden or Syrian Hamster is that they make the best pets for children or first-time hamster owners because they’re friendly, slower, and easier to handle. Because of their size, it’s safer for kids to hold them without hurting them than the dwarf kinds. You also get a long-haired Syrian hamster variety called the teddy bear hamster, which is even more adorable.

As a Reddit user shared, "I highly prefer Syrians. They are much easier to tame and handle. I have had maybe 100+ hamsters (fosters and owned), and I never worry about Syrians biting me"

They grow to about 7 inches long and look hilarious with their stuffed cheek pouches. If you want to watch your Syrian hamster when they’re most active without bothering them, you can use the Petcube Cam to keep an eye on their antics.

Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster

Campbell’s dwarf hamster is definitely one of the cutest hamster options with a wide variety of coat colors, coming from Mongolia, these are the leanest of the pet hamster breeds. They’re also the fastest and possibly the most active, so they’re not the best choice for younger children and they need a wheel to burn off all their energy.

A little-known fact about these hamsters is that most, if not all, the domesticated pet Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters are really crossbred with the Djungarian Dwarf Hamsters.

Dwarf Winter White Hamster

The Dwarf Winter White hamster is actually a confusing name that really refers to the SIberian dwarf or the Djungarian Dwarf Hamster. They’re very similar to the Campbell, but they’re a bit slower and more round and compact. They are famous for having their coats turn white in winter but this usually only happens in the wild. Because of the artificial lighting in your house, pet Djungarian dwarf hamsters will almost never turn white in winter.

Like the Campbell’s dwarf, they need an 8 plus wheel, and using the Petcube Cam can help you keep an eye on these little furballs to make sure they are safe and happy.

Chinese Hamster

The Chinese hamster is the newest addition to the pet hamster world.

As one redditor notes: “ “Many people will refer to these as dwarfs but they're not; they are their own type! They're very slim and their coat varieties are unvarying. These are the most recently domesticated hamster and aren't as common as the others, but they can be found occasionally. They require an 8+ inch wheel and lots of space due to their energy!”

Roborovski Hamster

Roborovski hamsters are the smallest and quickest type of pet hamster you can get. They’re also called the Desert of the Robo Dwarf hamster and they’re only about 2 inches long as adults. They don’t have a dorsal stripe like the other dwarf hamsters and have two little white spots above their eyes.

Like the Chinese hamster, since the Robo is so fast and energetic, they are best for experienced hamster lovers and carers who know how to meet their needs and handle them carefully.


If you love hamsters, you probably want to know all about the different types of hamsters, whether they are dwarfs, Chinese, or Syrian. Remember, regardless of breed, hamsters are active, and they need plenty of care when it comes to the right amount of space, clean bedding, healthy diet, dust baths, and so forth. Always do your research first when it comes to getting your pet to ensure a happy journey together.

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